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What do you Think??


Junior Member
I watch all these outdoor hunting shows and they ALL say to Scent Killer or some kind of scent killer before hunting. Then they say, use a Cove Scent. Before that, Shower with scent killer soap or wash. Then was clothes in Scent Killing detergent. Then you need Scent Lok clothing. THEN after all that, use Ozonics!! I have done it all and they still get me!! Is this stuff just to get your money? You can have thousands of dollars locked up in all this stuff and still get busted!! Oh yea, don't forget the Tinks, Doe Pee, etc.and Rubber boots, drags, All the Deer calls and Antler Rattles!!! Mercy!! But before all that, don't forget the Trail Cameras!! $$$$$$


Staff member
The vast majority of hunting shows are infomercials. Every one of the products they promote pay them to do so. Can't believe everything you see on TV.


Junior Member
Clark county
The only thing I use on that list is trail cameras and I didn't buy those based off any ad during a hunting show. As far as scent control I don't use any of that, I just use unscented soap thats either made by dove or dial I'm not for sure, I don't spend any extra $ for that cause it's just soap sitting with the rest of the soap at Walmart. I don't use any scent killer or scent control clothing cause I'm not spending the extra $ for the name when I can buy something good quality for less and use the scent smoker on it and it will work better. As far as calls and scents I don't use any of them I only have a grunt call because it came with a stand I bought.
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Senior Member
I'm a big supporter of smelling like nothing. I have 2 carbon suits. I wash all my clothes in dead down wind detergent. I bathe before every hunt in dead down wind detergent. I have a tote that has towels per washed and dried in no scent soap. I have a couple outfits washed and dried Im the same to wear to my hunting location.

I dont believe in deer urine...... I don't spray my.boots with DDW because the enzyme breaks down the rubber. And I believe that as I have witnessed deer get goofy over it. The process I use now I don't have deer track me to my stand. They cross my tracks and keep on their way

Does my process work? I think it does. I don't get winded. I didn't have a single deer blow at me this year or last year..... I have confidence in it.... until I lose that confidence I will keep the same routine.....
I will say only what I know from experience and that's you CANNOT beat a whitetail's nose, maybe confuse it long enough for it to stop and get a shot. I am pretty meticulous about my scent, wash my clothes and body in scent free stuff, keep clothes in scent free container outside, spray down with scent killer at the stand. I rarely get busted but it does happen. Some deer just know better than others. Can't beat the wind but deer don't follow a script and end up downwind sometimes. Just gotta be as safe as possible I guess. Some will say it's a waste of time and money but it has always seemed to help me. Ozonics? Idk. Could work. Don't have money to blow on it to try it out. Seems like a good premise but who knows. I rarely watch or listen to any the ads on the outdoor channel. Just hunters making a buck.


*Supporting Member*
New Hampshire
I've tried all the stuff you mentioned plus more over the last few years. I knew it was getting out of control when I spent over $100 last year just on deer piss. There are 2 products that I've actually seen work. One is Evercalm. I used it on every hunt 2 years ago and I had deer act calm around the stuff and a few times a deer would follow the scent trail I laid with the stuff on my boots. Now for some dumb reason I have not used it this year. I switched back to Tinks 69 and I honestly think all it does is cause deer to move downwind of you. Which of course is something no hunter wants. I will be getting more Evercalm soon. The second product I've actually seen work is the scent smoker. Best scent control product there is period. And it's the best value out there. The smoker costs around $30, a torch $15 and a bag of wood chips is $5 That's $50 and it will last you 2 or 3 months of hunting. At least it has for me. Thats a lot less money than the sprays & detergents and I have yet to have a deer downwind of me spook since I started using a scent smoker.

Oh, and I do use trail cameras but that's because I like them. Not because some TV personality told me to use them.


*Supporting Member*
Crawford county
The vast majority of hunting shows are infomercials. Every one of the products they promote pay them to do so. Can't believe everything you see on TV.


i dont own any scentlock, scentblocker, carbon, silver...whatchmacallits. i get my stuff on clearance at walmart. I do wash it in scent free detergent smoke it with the scent smoker and keep it in a plastic tote.
i do use rubber boots. i had a pair of the cheap $20 plain jane boots from the local farm supply store. they worked but were crap for cold weather and they wore out quickly. i would get a decent pair of thinsulate rubber boots.
attractant scents,
I used them the first couple years i hunted, then i stopped throwing my money away on them. if i were to harvest a doe during the rut, i would get a clean glass jar and save the contents of her bladder. Might work, might not. Either way, its free.


*Supporting Member*
Crawford county
The smoker costs around $30, a torch $15 and a bag of wood chips is $5 That's $50 and it will last you 2 or 3 months of hunting.

and after those 2 or 3 months, the only thing you will need to replace is the wood chips. And possibly a new bottle of fuel for the torch. if you have a hatchet, a big chunck of hickory and some time... the wood chips just got real cheap. i,ve even used twigs from oak trees in a pinch. they take a little longer to get going, but they smoke like mothers once they do.i
I'm old school, without a doubt. I wear the same coveralls all season long and may wash them once or twice. I don't use calls, scents or special soaps and what not. I did try smoking up this year for the first time. It was OK but I didn't care for doing it. I try to hunt with the wind in my face or close to it. I never had a deer spook, blow or bound when I was on stand this season. I had quite a few close encounters TOO. I don't go for the gimmicks much. I do have Scrape Dripper laying on a shelf in the garage. I tried it, it does attract deer, but no better than if I just whizz in a scrape.

Trail cameras and Trophy Rocks, I own lots of both. I love running trail cameras to inventory the deer around my hunting area.


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
I agree just a smoker and the Evercalm. No need for anything else.
You guys are sure soft using a torch to start the smoker. LOL
I just use a single sheet of newspaper and put a small handful of chips in the center and use a match. Then pump like hell to get it burning.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Wash the gear in scent free soap. Then I smoke it up. Makes sense right? Well, there are no UV brighteners in the soap. Smoke all gear to include bow, release, binos, range finder, etc. Also smoke bottoms of boots, insides, outside, then just a bit of Evercalm on front of toes, back of heel, and edges. Too expensive to coat everything. Only doe pee I have tried which worked came from a deer farmer who bottled his own.


Junior Member
I use a burning barrel, cost me 10 bucks, I use leaves from the yard to smoke myself and gear with, leaves are free! I used evercalm, years back and had bad luck. I don't use calls, cameras, deer pee, etc. This method works great for me and its very inexpensive!
I wash my clothes in scent killer type detergent, use baking soda in the wash and occasionally inside my boots, use scent killer type dryer sheets, uses scent killer wipes now and then for my hands and face and then I smoke everything up. I think of it as getting rid of as much foreign scent as I can before I then coat everything with a good smoking; pre-smoke clothes, towels, boots, etc. and then day of I smoke my outer layers, boot bottoms, hands, face, hair, bow, etc..

This year I did not use the Evercalm and I had several deer walk where I walked and never spooked.

One thing I still do though is I hunt each stand based on forecasted wind direction. Even though I have a lot of confidence in my methods I still do pick my stands accordingly just to make sure I am giving myself the best chances to go undetected.