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TJ Lane escaped


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Hadn't heard this until I received a heads up text from Huck and another non hunting friend on the other side of the state. Appreciate the heads up fellas. How crazy I hear this from people 2-3hrs away and it is in my county? lmao


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Stark County
Fugger got caught 100 yards from the perimeter fence. It took them until 1am too find his ass that close to the prison. Sounds like the other guy is still on the loose.


I work at Giant Eagle in Chardon and both when I went on break at 8pm and when I left at 11:30 there was a officer weither it be state trooper, sherif, or cop in sight my whole drive home. Crazy how this idiot escapes and now got more publicity, like come on why give the kid all this publicity that's all he wants. And still
Can't believe he was so freakin close to the dadgum fence. Good they all got caught. I hope they beat the crap out of him once they caught him

DJK Frank 16

Senior Member
Supporting Member
Hardin County
Yep all three are in custody. It was a mad house around the area last night. Lots of places to hide around this area, this is about a quarter mile from where I work.

The warden said he wasn't even in the highest security portion of the prison... WTF!