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Dang the luck!


Senior Member
Supporting Member
South East Ohio
Worked off nightes this mornin and slept for a couple hours, I decided to go for a run since it wasn't raining. Half way thru I stepped off the curb and rolled my ankle, I hobbled around enough to get off the road and check it out, to my disappointment this is what I saw. image.jpg


Senior Member
Supporting Member
South East Ohio
Had my phone with me and tried calling the wife at church, she ignored my call and text me and said she we busy, I sent her that pic and told her I needed a ride. Lucky for me one of the people that lived near by saw me laying along the rode and drove over to see if I needed help. He brought me home and after the wife got home she took me to Physicians Care. This is a pic of what it looked like before they X-rayed it.image.jpg


Senior Member
I used to roll mine all the time playing basketball. Unless there is bruising, I would say sprained. Still hurts like a bitch...lol

Huckleberry Finn

Senior Member
Damn...looks just like when my buddy tore his pcl for the second time...if it is a tear make sure that you didn't pull any bone fragments with it...


Senior Member
Supporting Member
South East Ohio
Damn...looks just like when my buddy tore his pcl for the second time...if it is a tear make sure that you didn't pull any bone fragments with it...

Say whattttt? I hope that's not the case, not sure what it would mean anyway Lol. Iced the hell out of it yesterday and this morning the swelling looks a little better.