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Don't pick up a toy gun in walmart.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Someone will call the police for "man with a gun" and you'll end up dead.

Happened close to home in Beavercreek Ohio yesterday. Officer responded to a "man with a gun call" inside the Walmart and after arriving shot the individual. They're being super secretive about the details surrounding the incident and refusing to say if the gun was real or fake. Beavercreek police asked the Ohio Bureau or Criminal Investigation to handle the investigation. A 37 year old woman also collapsed and died running from the store after shots were fired.

The mans fiancé who was in the story with him says that he didn't have a gun, but may have picked one up from the toy isle. An individual on the phone with him at the time of the shooting said that he had played some games in the electronics section and went to the toy section. The woman on the phone said she heard officers tell him to drop the weapon, and he replied "it's not real" as shots rang out.


Huckleberry Finn

Senior Member
The BCI report will become public, eventually. Mixed feelings on the shooting, really have to see what happens. I thought BCI did a fair job in the Cleveland "Backfire" shooting, so it will be interesting to see what they do here.

The lawsuit from the 37 year old woman will be a hell of an interesting one. Regardless of the way the shooting falls (good or bad shooting by the cops), there should be a felony murder charge going to the responsible party (man or cops) for the death of the woman. Aka, huge civil payout.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
The BCI report will become public, eventually. Mixed feelings on the shooting, really have to see what happens. I thought BCI did a fair job in the Cleveland "Backfire" shooting, so it will be interesting to see what they do here.

The lawsuit from the 37 year old woman will be a hell of an interesting one. Regardless of the way the shooting falls (good or bad shooting by the cops), there should be a felony murder charge going to the responsible party (man or cops) for the death of the woman. Aka, huge civil payout.

And if it was you in my opinion the person who called in the "man with a gun" call should be at a minimum charged with inducing panic.


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
That's a damn shame that's going to ruin someone's life. The damn problem is everyone has a cell phone and too quick to make worthless calls. IMHO


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
The BCI report will become public, eventually. Mixed feelings on the shooting, really have to see what happens. I thought BCI did a fair job in the Cleveland "Backfire" shooting, so it will be interesting to see what they do here.

The lawsuit from the 37 year old woman will be a hell of an interesting one. Regardless of the way the shooting falls (good or bad shooting by the cops), there should be a felony murder charge going to the responsible party (man or cops) for the death of the woman. Aka, huge civil payout.

IMHO a 37 yr. old dying was due to ill health not running from store. Only get $1 if I was on the jury. But then I've been known as a hard ass.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Central Ohio
I'll reserve judgement until the full investigation comes out. Too many questions without answers right now. Moral of the story, don't go to Wal-Mart.

DJK Frank 16

Senior Member
Supporting Member
Hardin County
Wow! Definitely be interesting to see how this all plays out. How dumb can you be though, I don't care if you have your finger and thumb painted black and pointing it like a gun, if you see the police bust in you put that bastard down and hit the floor... don't try to explain, explain later.

Huckleberry Finn

Senior Member
IMHO a 37 yr. old dying was due to ill health not running from store. Only get $1 if I was on the jury. But then I've been known as a hard ass.

Any death and I do mean ANY that occurs during a felony is another automatic felony murder count. Including if the cop chasing you has w heart attack...the law sees the same as if he got a bullet. No one dies for a buck anymore.

Just watch, any lawyer worth their salt will include Walmart in t he civil suit


Senior Member
Don't all new toy guns have those red or orange plungers in the muzzle?

It's become a very popular tactic of gang members now to do this.
Nothing against the African American either just the best example I could find.