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New man cave


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
I finally got the underground electric trench cut in today. Can't wait to get the cable in and finally get power to my pole barn. My 15x30 insulated man cave is gonna be neat when it's finished.


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Looking forward to seeing the pics.

Will do but it'll have to wait until after deer season. 1st things 1st. LOL
I'll finally have enough walls to display my lifetime of deer racks plus 2 elks racks, a mounted ram and my 1st buck mount from 1972. Also a full strutting Tom turkey mount.
Then I'll bring my book collection up from my basement and sort them out for keepers, ones to sell, and ones to donate. I was a book dealer for years and have a large number and just need to sort them out.
I'll setup my reloading room and have it available to all TOO members in the area to use. For liability reason I won't reload for anyone but I'll more than happy to instruct anyone who wants to learn.
Fun times ahead.


Senior Member
Sounds great. I'm currently taking bids on a metal building aka. future man cave. Its looking in the neighborhood of 1500 sq/ft.


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
My son today took 3 of his employees and we got the 280 ft. of wire buried and in conduit. Only need to hook up to the 2 breaker boxes. Then I can get the plugs and lights up and working. Going be nice.


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Sounds great. I'm currently taking bids on a metal building aka. future man cave. Its looking in the neighborhood of 1500 sq/ft.

Good luck on your building. Make sure you get a concrete floor at the beginning or you probably never will.


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Slight setback. We worked in a light rain to finish up last night. I woke up this morning with a slight fever, a sore throat and my tonsils are so large I can cough them up to lay on top of my tongue. Hot coffee sure feels good on them. Feel like crap.
Been having this tonsil problem for 18 yrs. since I had my 1st open heart surgery and the breathing tube caused my tonsils to infect and they were over 2" long. But on the bright side I lived when I wasn't suppose to.
Sounds like a fun project, can't wait to see it finished.

Those breathing tubes are terrible. You stated that happened when you had your 1st open heart surgery. Does this mean I have more open heart surgeries to look forward to. I had my first one 4 years ago, triple bypass. I hope I never have another one.


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Sounds like a fun project, can't wait to see it finished.

Those breathing tubes are terrible. You stated that happened when you had your 1st open heart surgery. Does this mean I have more open heart surgeries to look forward to. I had my first one 4 years ago, triple bypass. I hope I never have another one.

I have no blockage problems. I had a large 2" Aorta artery repair just on top of the heart done 18 yrs. ago. At that time I had a bad Aorta value but they said at 52 it would last my lifetime. But within couple years I developed chest pain that was said to be my chest didn't heal back together properly.
It turned out to be my Aorta value went shut and had to have a Aorta pig value installed 10 yrs. ago. Been on the mend since. They do a ultra sound every 12 months and the valve is perfect.


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Sounds like a fun project, can't wait to see it finished.

Those breathing tubes are terrible. You stated that happened when you had your 1st open heart surgery. Does this mean I have more open heart surgeries to look forward to. I had my first one 4 years ago, triple bypass. I hope I never have another one.

A funny true story about the tonsil problem
I had the heart surgery and when they moved me from ICU to my room they tell you'll have flem and carefully cough it out. Well I did have the flem but could spit out so I asked the nurse for a hand mirror.
With the mirror I could see the yellow flem laying on top of my tongue. But with a tissue I couldn't pull out.
In walks the nurse and ask "what are you doing"?
Trying to remove this flem.
She looks and says "Oh my God that's your tonsil".
For the next 3 days every Doctor and nurse in the hospital came and looked in my mouth. As they seen like that after surgery from the breathing tube.
I flairs up 2-3 times per year but never quit that bad to get 2" long. After my 2nd surgery it didn't happen.
It's better today.


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
The guys got the power live on their end and I got the breaker box hot on my end.
It sure was nice to hook one plug up and set in front of a running fan.
I'll start on the rest of the plugs, switches, and light tomorrow. Since I have power now I can spray paint the walls and ceiling. I installed press wood instead of drywall so I can drive a nail anywhere.
Once everything is painted I can start moving equipment in. I'll have the security light in action.

Non too soon as I had a possible breakin at 1:30AM this morning. The wife and I heard a load bump which I think was the garage door dropping that I forgot to lock. I believe someone opened the door and the automatic light came on and scared them off. Big mistake.

Huckleberry Finn

Senior Member
Sounds great. I'm currently taking bids on a metal building aka. future man cave. Its looking in the neighborhood of 1500 sq/ft.

Go 40 x 30, those are the nicest and easiest barns to build. 12 foot walls.

But 15 x 30 aint bad either! All depends on what you are planning on using it for.