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Why do civilian cops need MRAPs?


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I find it fiscally irresponsible of the Feds to not mothball the vehicles somewhere in the southwest desert so that the next time they're needed they don't have to spend another 27 billion.

Militarizing civilian law enforcement is not a good thing.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Put yourself in the shoes of the department. If I were the police chief and could receive these assets at no cost, I would do the same. Not sure how I feel about it as a civilian. With no reason to expect to see it show up at my house, I am okay. With the ever growing fear of the government in this country, I think these are simply increasing the divide.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
I wonder if the SHTF scenario they're preparing for happened would they would be given IED or EFP detection and avoidance training. If those insurgents taught us anything it's that even Goliath is vulnerable to crude weaponry.

I personally have no problem with it except they should be demilitarized. There is no need for local law enforcement to have a machine gun parapet complete with a m2 mount.

Huckleberry Finn

Senior Member
I personally have no problem with it except they should be demilitarized. There is no need for local law enforcement to have a machine gun parapet complete with a m2 mount.


These little country towns that get a Hummer view it as a solid 4x4 that will get used as such a few times a year. Other than that, it's something for the parades.


Junior Member
Stark County
I have to go with militarizing local law enforcement anymore than they already have is not a good idea and that it is aiding to support and actively encourage an already established "Us vs. Them" mentality in the law enforcement community. We also have to take into consideration that these are the same law enforcement agencies who are actively being told by our friends at DHS that returning military veterans are now domestic terror threats and anybody who owns a gun probably is too. Another thing to think about is pretty obvious, once these police departments have all these shiny military toys, they're going to want to use them, SWAT team style at 3AM. Go ahead and Google SWAT team entry statistics over the years and it's undeniable. For example, in 1981 in the US there were 3000 "no knock" raids conducted, in 2005 the number jumped to 50,000. Coincidentally, the number of departments with SWAT teams has skyrocketed in that time period as well. Let's get real here, America is becoming a police state before our eyes and we've got front row seats.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
I wonder if the SHTF scenario they're preparing for happened would they would be given IED or EFP detection and avoidance training. If those insurgents taught us anything it's that even Goliath is vulnerable to crude weaponry.

I personally have no problem with it except they should be demilitarized. There is no need for local law enforcement to have a machine gun parapet complete with a m2 mount.

Ding.... Ding.... Ding...... There you have it. Phil hit it as well.... Just wait until they breakdown and can't afford the upkeep, they'll be fugging paperweights..... They're not indestructible and they can be damaged beyond repair as well.... Our county got one last month with people up in arms..... Sherif standing next too it all smiles.... But wait for any repair bills coming down the pike..... He'll be having a whole different look then..... They can't fix their cruisers.... What makes them think they can afford these things???? They're clueless.....


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
As someone who spent 9.5yrs in the guard as a light wheeled vehicle mechanic in a mechanized infantry unit, you are safe. Hummers can NOT go "anywhere". Tracked vehicles CAN get stuck. In the hands of local PD with little to no training, I don't think the public has much to worry about. First time they try to cowboy the thing and it is stuck with only one wheel touching the ground and they are out of commission. Lmao


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Ding.... Ding.... Ding...... There you have it. Phil hit it as well.... Just wait until they breakdown and can't afford the upkeep, they'll be fugging paperweights..... They're not indestructible and they can be damaged beyond repair as well.... Our county got one last month with people up in arms..... Sherif standing next too it all smiles.... But wait for any repair bills coming down the pike..... He'll be having a whole different look then..... They can't fix their cruisers.... What makes them think they can afford these things???? They're clueless.....

I can imagine if they ever tried to deploy them against a civilian force.

Sherif! We dun lost the MRAP
What do you mean you lost it?
Well we tried to use it against these rednecks and they took it.
Took it where?
We don't know Sherrif. We think it's in a barn.
Go find that damn thing before those rednecks turn it into a working tank. Ain't no telling what them damn hilljacks are welding up as we speak.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Stark County
I can imagine if they ever tried to deploy them against a civilian force.

Sherif! We dun lost the MRAP
What do you mean you lost it?
Well we tried to use it against these rednecks and they took it.
Took it where?
We don't know Sherrif. We think it's in a barn.
Go find that damn thing before those rednecks turn it into a working tank. Ain't no telling what them damn hilljacks are welding up as we speak.



"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
I'm sure our country will get one. We had military choppers 15yrs. ago. I believe 3 choppers with one flying and 2 for parts.
Now we have a civilian chopper. They have been on my property looking for my neighbor on warrants. Good to say he moved away.


Junior Member
Stark County
It's not just the local police, it's every government agency from A to Z. Look at all the requisition requests these agencies are putting in for guns, ammo, body armor, and armored vehicles and ask yourself why do agencies like the Department of Agriculture, the EPA, or the FDA need military hardware and munitions? DHS and TSA think they can violate our rights with impunity because we happen to be standing in an airport, like the constitution somehow doesn't apply there and people, like sheep, watch, wide awake but half asleep, conditioned and passive. Try that shit with my daughter, I dare you. Eric Holders renewed Domestic Terror Task Force is now calling "right wing extremists" the biggest threat to American security today, I think Mr. Holder and his accomplice in the white house are far more dangerous to our country than anything I've seen come out of America in my lifetime. For a few years now people have been asking, why are all the alphabet agencies militarizing? Who are they preparing to fight against? The answer should be crystal clear now. Anybody who doesn't agree with the liberal agenda is labeled a racist, a potential homegrown domestic terrorist threat or both. All of this should be very alarming.
Meanwhile......On the southern border.........
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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH
Boston Marathon Bombing...

They sure didn't have a problem using questionable tactics and military equipment to quell the locals.

That was almost all Boston PD equipment.