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End of a Name


Dignitary Member
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NE Ohio
Joe's thread;

Got me thinking about something I have gone back and forth over the years about...

In my case, I have two beautiful daughters. Assuming they both marry, it will be the end of my family's last name . Some times that bothers me...
How do you guys with only daughters feel about that? Is it arrogance or vanity to want something like your last name to go on through time ?
I'm not really in a position to build a hospital, library or train station to preserve my last name...


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I have one son. My brother has twin daughters. I guess our last name is up to my son to carry on. I had never given it a thought. To some I think it matters. To me it is not a huge deal. We have a large extended family with many last names representing our family. Are we all still family regardless the name? I mean, we attend the Hall reunion. Sometimes we refer to it as the Hall/Alone reunion. It is not regarded as the Hicks reunion. Lol


Staff member
Our line of Roush comes through my grandfather who had 5 sons. Out of 5 sons, he was left with 4 blood grandsons. (I have two cousins who are adopted that carry on the name, but that is a technicality to me despite loving them both like family.) Of the 4 of us, 2 are straight wastes of space and the jury is still out on the 3rd. My one cousin has a son, but even my uncle says he is a POS. So IMO, his kid is not carrying on what I know of the Roush bloodline and is just another technicality. As the only blood grandson with his shit together, I have always felt tremendous pressure to carry on the bloodline. So much so that I cried like a baby when I found out I was having a girl. However in her 17+ months on this earth, my thoughts on this have changed some what.

Looking around my family at all the girls, nearly all of them are true Roush. I see my grandfather and/or grandmother in nearly all of them; much more so than I do in any of the boys outside of myself and a couple others. While it still pains me to think the name (at least when it is attached to someone deserving of it) may cease to be in the near future, there is still some light at the end of the tunnel. I see lots of the characteristics in my daughter that are indicative of being a Roush. As I see her grow and develop, I am realizing that she is every bit as much as a Roush and a part of me as any son I could have will ever be. That said and to tie this in, she better take her future husbands last name and not hyphenate or her daddy won't be happy. Part of committing to be a wife is taking her husbands last name and I'm fully prepared for that to happen. If I don't have a son, then the same applies to all my girls.

All good things must come to an end and in due time, so will our last name. But I now know that no matter what, the women in the family are doing a great job of making sure what is good about our bloodline lives on. I take comfort in that now and it has helped me relieve myself of some of that pressure. As long as the spirit of my grandfather/grandmother live on through their bloodline, the last name is just an aside.


Dignitary Member
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NE Ohio
True thoughts guys. I realize its the person. My daughters represent my bloodline through their actions and how they conduct themselves in day-to-day decision making. Its not their gender that makes them a "Dunne" .I too see my Parents and Grandparents in my daughters.(As well as my wife)

A shrink would probably say I had deep, suppressed anxieties of mortality to even present the question.
I just thought Jack's thread was a good question and a springboard to mine.


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
I am kind of in the same boat as Jesse here. My father passed away before I had any kids and my uncle is not the best person to carry on the name. His son is also a POS and will not carry the name well and I can only hope he doesn't have kids for the kids sake. I felt it was left to me to carry on the name in good standing. I was very fortunate and very lucky to have 1 child and it was my son who will now be left to carry on the name. The F-I-L is pretty much the last of his family bloodline to carry the name. My wife had the youngest daughter at the end of her last marriage so she gave her 2 middle names and the 2nd middle name is the wife's maiden name. When we found out she was pregnant with our son we discussed the idea of adding the same 2nd middle name to our boy. He now has both family names to carry on. On the birth certificate it says : First Name, Middle Name: we chose(same as my fathers) and then a 2nd Middle Name: (wife's maiden name) Last Name: is mine.

We felt this would honor both families and carry both names on for at least another generation. Now if the kids decide not to carry the F-I-L's name on with their kids then that's that.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
At this point in my life, I have thought about it but it don't matter right now too me one way or another. Maybe later on it will but there are 4 boys carrying the name and I have faith in one of them hahaha.....


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
North Central Ohio
Interesting thread CJD3. This is the ONE thing that I think of often. In my situation, there is no "family" bloodline, no "tradition", as both my brother and I were adopted. Our sperm donor is simply a stranger to me, could walk by him on the street and not even know it. Never met my grandpa on sperm donors side, grandpa on mom's side passed when I was 5 1/2 yrs old.

So, as for the family name, the Nickle family has 4 sons. My brother and I have 2 boys each, our oldest brother (by law, not blood) has 1 son, and our youngest (1/2 brother) does not have any children yet. It is up to us to start the expectations & traditions, and that is something that we all are looking forward to:pickle:


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member

In the end, a name doesn't really matter. Or shouldn't really matter.
I've got relatives on both sides who are saints, relatives who've been convicts, and we're sprinkled thru and thru with alcoholism and promiscuity.
Hell, some of us might not even be blood, but what does it matter?

What matters is the individual man or woman - how true their heart is and how they stand before God Almighty.

My daughter is more likely to produce grandchildren than my son. And those kids won't bear my name...but hopefully I'll have the opportunity to interact and influence them so that they ACT like the good side of my family. That's what really matters.

Every baby is a blessing.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
What are you thoughts Joe?
Your thread prompted me to ask

Being from the south names are a big thing. I want to have a son that carries on the name. But at the end of the day it's not the most important thing in life. I believe it's how we live our life and the the extraordinary children we leave behind that matters. Not necessarily this last name. It's the blood that runs through their veins that matters. Not their last name.


Dignitary Member
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Sunbury, OH
Mine has ended with me. No more Beener boys. There are about 10 others with the same last name but none are directly related or all girls.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Being from the south names are a big thing. I want to have a son that carries on the name. But at the end of the day it's not the most important thing in life. I believe it's how we live our life and the the extraordinary children we leave behind that matters. Not necessarily this last name. It's the blood that runs through their veins that matters. Not their last name.

I find this interesting and amusing for two reasons. Won't throw you under the bus. Just interesting and amusing. I read this and smiled for two reasons. Will the real "Joe" please stand up? lmao


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Jim, Ron and I both are in the same position as you. We both have two wonderful daughters and have often talked about this very subject. I'm more concerned about hem finding a man who will love,honor,respect and cherish them than what their last name will be. Sure I wish the Newsom name would be carried on but as long as they carry on as respected Christian oriented women and settle down with a likewise partner and build a family with strong values, then I'll be very happy.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH
Jim, Ron and I both are in the same position as you. We both have two wonderful daughters and have often talked about this very subject. I'm more concerned about hem finding a man who will love,honor,respect and cherish them than what their last name will be. Sure I wish the Newsom name would be carried on but as long as they carry on as respected Christian oriented women and settle down with a likewise partner and build a family with strong values, then I'll be very happy.

(Head bowed)



Dignitary Member
Staff member
I find this interesting and amusing for two reasons. Won't throw you under the bus. Just interesting and amusing. I read this and smiled for two reasons. Will the real "Joe" please stand up? lmao

Lol. I did say I want it. But I also said it wasn't the most important thing in my life. Kinda like wanting a monkey with a jet pack that flies around throwing poop at people. Sure I want one. Buuuuutttttt. There is also tons of drawbacks. Like owning a poop throwing monkey.