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Thank You Toozers


Senior Member
Supporting Member
I wanted to say thanks to all involved for making such an awesome gift to my ailing father, and my family. For anyone that doesn't know, I received a call from Jesse during Gun season, offering a Bowhunt for my father and I over in Richland county with Hoytmania I think? I hope Im getting these details right. I talked to my parents and Dad had already lost so much strength that he didn't feel like he was able to do it. He had a ton of test's and whatnot and family coming in he just didn't think he could. A few days later Jesse got ahold of me with another gracious offer. They had a connection with a professional photographer (I believe Adam, 5Cent's In Law) to come to my Parents and do a series of family pictures. Right away I knew it would be something that my father would be thrilled with, and sure enough he was. I believe it was shortly after Xmas that they came down and did the photo's. They were totally awesome with the ideas that they had for everything. We did some poses with Dad outdoors with all of us in the family that hunt in our Camo clothes. Some poses with my brother and I with Dad, and a large Family portrait. My Dad was so excited to do the pictures that mom said he was waiting in his Camo clothes at 8 a.m. and we weren't doing the photo's til 2pm. After everything was done my Dad was waving goodbye to the photographer as they left and I seen him getting emotional. But true to form, he held it back and went back inside and we had a pretty nice family dinner. A couple days ago Jesse let me know that he had some stuff to send me through the mail. Last night I took the 2 boxes to my parents and we opened them as a family. Everything in the boxes were honest to God just breathtakingly beautiful. The family portrait on what I think was canvas looked just amazing, and the pictures for my brother and I were just awesome as well. There is a series of I think 4 black and white pictures of my brother and I with dad inside beautifully done wood frames. The best part of the evening was the Thank You letter that was sent. I took it out and tried to read it all before breaking down, but I failed. But by that time everyone else was choked up too. And my Dad wasn't trying to hold it back anymore. Guys, it was the first time I've seen my Dad cry since my Grandma, his mother, died about 20 years ago. It was a little humourous after we wiped the tears away to see all the little 2-4 year olds looking at us like "why the heck are they crying"? LOL. There's nothing we could do to ever repay any of you guys for what you've done for us. All I can try and do is pass it forward. I know you guys inspired a few members of my family to do so. I know my Nephews and Brother in Law and I are planning a hand delivered assortment of "liquid" care packages to be passed out at the TOO Bow Shoot this summer.

While here I wanted to give an update on Dad. Watching what this disease can do to a healthy person in such a short time is crazy. My dad was a healthy 175lbs and in less than a year he is down to maybe 130lbs. He's lost all his muscle, but not his will to try and be free of someone else helping him live. He is on some new meds that are helping him slowly add some weight back on. They just recently did a sleep/oxygen test on him and are gonna get him set up with some oxygen that should help his energy levels. I should have started off by saying that the VA came through and approved Dad for full disability. They said his ALS is from Vietnam I guess. They are coming out and putting concrete walkways all around the house, puuting a back patio off his bedroom so he can take a hoveround out there, which they are buying him also. They are also buying him a new vehicle that will be wheelchair accessible. They are fitting the whole hous with ramps and lifts for him. All that has been great news and a big surprise for Dad and us. We couldn't be happier with all they are doing for him. Again, from the whole Fackler family, thanks to all of you guys for everything you do. God bless all of you guys


*Supporting Member*
that is fantastic! Jesse is one of the best guys Ive ever met, and I havent got to meet all the guys on this forum, but I know they are all cut from the same cloth. Just a great group of guys!

I wish I could have helped in this somehow! I am happy TOO was able to do such a cool thing!


Senior Member
That's awesome stuff Jesse. Any other site and I would be extremely surprised. With this site it doesn't surprise me at all, it just makes me proud to say I'm a member and all those people on TOO are my friends.

Thoughts and prayers for you and all your family Red. That was one tough read.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Gods Country
Ryan glad to hear that your father, you, your brother, and the whole family enjoyed the portraits. I wish the hunt could have worked out but I understand why not. Glad to hear that your dads meds seem to be helping out and moving things in a positive direction. You say the word and I will make the calls necessary to make a spring turkey hunt happen if your dad is up to it.

You be sure to tell your dad I said thanks, for all his service to protect my freedoms and rights. My hats off to him.

Continued prayers for your whole family.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Up Nort
ryan glad to hear that your father, you, your brother, and the whole family enjoyed the portraits. I wish the hunt could have worked out but i understand why not. Glad to hear that your dads meds seem to be helping out and moving things in a positive direction. You say the word and i will make the calls necessary to make a spring turkey hunt happen if your dad is up to it.

You be sure to tell your dad i said thanks, for all his service to protect my freedoms and rights. My hats off to him.

Continued prayers for your whole family.



Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Don hit the nail on the head as well as Steve.... This site has always been a step above anything I've witnessed on the net so far.....

Ryan so happy that your dad enjoyed it and that it could tKe his mind off his situation if only for a little time.... Happy too also hear he is making some progress with his new meds....


Staff member
Damnit Ryan, you went and made me cry TOO! lmao

Happy to hear it was well received. We have a great network here that houses some of the finest men I've ever met. This was a gift from all of us, I just did the gopher work.

Milo taught me to pass it forward and this site is an extension of that lesson. Do good and good will be done.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Just flat out awesome. It never ceases to amaze me when members here at TOO do something so meaningful. I'm happy your father and family enjoyed it. Great to hear the VA is stepping up to the plate and taking care of our veterans. Thanks Jesse for getting this all together and everyone who had a hand in doing such a king gesture.

Sometimes people ask me if it was worth the thousands of hours spent putting the framework of this site together. I always tell them that I didn't make it worth it, our members did. I truly believe that with everything I am. The people at TOO is what makes TOO great. Not some code on the internet. And for that I am forever grateful.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
So glad to hear that he liked the pictures. I've seen ALS at work as well and it sucks... just flat out sucks. Your story was very touching and, like others that read it, it was hard to get through without choking up. I'm glad your TOO friends could give you something to cherish. I hope your father has comfort in knowing that a lot of people are pulling for him.

Jesse, thanks for doing all the legwork. Well done brother.

Adam, I know you had a hand in setting this all up... Well don too you as well, man. Good stuff guys.

The TOO brotherhood is like no other.
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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
North Central Ohio
Glad you like the pictures Ryan! It is good to hear your dad is putting on weight. I can only hope that these pictures provide you with lasting memories. Keep your head high, and we'll keep on praying brother. You have a beautiful family!


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
Thank you for the update Ryan. Sorry your dad couldn't make the hunt but it sounds like he was just as excited about the photography session being that he was in his camo that early :). I am very happy to hear the new meds are making a difference for him and hopefully he can get out and sit by the pond or lake this spring and summer and wet a line or just enjoy the day being out and about with everybody. Sometimes the smallest of victories mean the most. I am also glad to hear the VA is taking care of your family and providing some of the necessities you all will need. Please let your dad know that my family and I will keep him in our thoughts and I am sure the TOO family will as well.

You know, I have seen this site from it's earliest stages and have known most of the original members here for many years now and enjoy meeting new members at our outings every year. Things like this set TOO apart from any other site out there and makes me very proud to be a part of such a great family. The members here never cease to amaze me with the generosity, kindness, and thoughtfulness for others.

Thank you to all the TOOzers that had a part in doing this for Ryan's dad and the entire Fackler family!!!!