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Surveyor Needed - Albany/Meigs County

Guys, I need a little help here. We are getting the final things together on our property down there as our land contracts are paid in full and all. We never got the property surveyed and it's required as a portion of the over-all land stays with my uncle who we bought from. Does anyone know a decent survey company in that area that won't break the bank?


Staff member
If my dad was in better shape I'd talk him in to doing this. Dad usually recommends Vernon out of Marietta. They might travel that way or would have better contacts than I for surveyors closer to you. Their number is (740) 373-8266. There is another guy we usually directed work to that used to be on OS and a couple other forums back in the day. Real nice guy that I bet would do it for you. However I don't have current contact information for him. I'll see if I can't dig it up. It would be an hour drive for him.


Staff member
A proper survey is worth the money and trust me, you are not over paying in some cases for the service you receive. I was raised by a surveyor, so of course I'm biased. However so is most of America when it comes to "how hard can it be" to be a surveyor? Very hard. With lots of liability. If your property has not been surveyed in the last 30-40+ years, it is well worth the money to have one done if you can spare it.
Thanks Jesse! I guess that is where we are at on this. For the entire property the one place my dad called quoted him between $6-9,000 for the entire property. Looking into it all now it seems we may be able to use legal descriptions already on the books for portions of the property which should save us a good bit of money. The southern half of the property has to be surveyed as a small portion is being broke off for my uncle's home. According to the Auditor's office only that small portion needs to be surveyed as well. We shall see....guess that's what we get for not making sure the L/C was registered with the county at the time.


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
A proper survey is worth the money and trust me, you are not over paying in some cases for the service you receive. I was raised by a surveyor, so of course I'm biased. However so is most of America when it comes to "how hard can it be" to be a surveyor? Very hard. With lots of liability. If your property has not been surveyed in the last 30-40+ years, it is well worth the money to have one done if you can spare it.

So correct. when I bought my farm the new survey found 50 ft. of new additional road frontage that wasn't on the old 80 yr. old survey. The County says no way to change the records. It's over 2 ac.


Senior Member
A proper survey is worth the money and trust me, you are not over paying in some cases for the service you receive. I was raised by a surveyor, so of course I'm biased. However so is most of America when it comes to "how hard can it be" to be a surveyor? Very hard. With lots of liability. If your property has not been surveyed in the last 30-40+ years, it is well worth the money to have one done if you can spare it.

May sound like a stupid question but what are the benefits of having land surveyed? I'm not a land owner unfortunately I'm just curious. I had a surveying class back in college but that's the extent of my knowledge of surveying.


Staff member
Chuck is right. The purpose is to define your boundaries for the purposes of valuation, taxation, and your own personal use. There are situations were you can lose property that was legally yours if the conditions for adverse possession exist. A survey is a vital part of that entire process. There are title insurance policies that are predicted on a survey. If you are going to timber your property, you should have it surveyed or at the very least, have your boundaries marked using a description that you trust. There are several other instances where a survey would make sense, these are just a few that come to mind.

Big Weff

Junior Member
I just recently bought a house and my grandpa gave me the card of a man named dale exline. He is located in Jackson and I would be more than happy to give you his number if you haven't found anybody yet. Just let me know if you want his number and I will pm it to you

Huckleberry Finn

Senior Member
I only know oil / gas guys. But Jesse's knowledge comes highly recommended.

The good surveyors are damn impressive and fun to work with or watch them do their work. Lost art form, really.