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Theboroblem with coyote dogs.....


Senior Member
I will start this by saying I do not have an issue with it.....if done legally.

I guess the problem is more with the hunters than the dogs....since the dogs really don't understand know.any different.

About a month and a half ago I I caught a dirty Amish man and his drones running coyotes in our lease and on the adjacent property I trap.... the problem is they have no permission. He was taken care of.

Today another.group of guys that are not Amish were running their.dogs. they are notorious for trespassing. They drove.to the back side of one of the farms I hunt and dropped off three dogs and a walker. This is becoming a serious problem. Its one thing to run coyotes, but you can't just run them wherever you want....then these guys just bail out of the truck and stand anywhere they want to kill them

The poblem I have with this is that I don't want dogs running wild and barking and bumping deer. So I called the land owner. He got.dressed grabbed his AR and got.on his fourwheeler. This is the 4th time they have done this. He will shoot their dogs and he wouldn't have a second thought about it. Some may say this is wrong....but when the game warden won't do anything about it because.he.hasn't caught them on his property with his own two eyes. This is what happens. Last time the dogs ganged up on his cows and were chasing them.

I know yotehunter has dogs....I would like him to weigh in on this


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Yep have to have permission. With no permission their dead. The dogs not the guys. Sorry but just my thoughts.


spencerville oh
I totally agree . If its intentional then call the law . But I know dogs can't read a sign. We have had dogs get where they shouldn't be . But we never turn lose on ground we don't have permission for. And if they get where they shouldn't be we get them and get the hell out. We hunt thousands of acres. And every inch we have permission for. One of our guys works for a large fertilizer company and he has a three ring binder full of signed permissions. Which helps tremendously. A lot of guys even state not till after deer season. We ran into this yesterday. We took tracks to a section that we didn't have a slip on, so we knocked on doors and ended up getting a hell yea kill them all, from all the land owners. But we have a group of guys that don't give a shit and have even ruined it for us honest guys in several sections. And they were great were great sections and even better now. But we know not to step foot on that ground. Like I said trespassing Is just that. If we don't have permission we don't go. If they just don't care call the law that's the way I feel. Like mike said you need permission.


Senior Member
Agreed...I actually got to the bottom of it. The main chunk of ground they are hunting is 600 acres. They asked permission to hunt the farm that I hunt and were told No..So they went on the road on the back side and let their dogs loose anyway.... I am good friends with the owner of the 600 acres..I called him and talked to him today..He was lied to and they told him they had permission from everyone in the neighborhood. Including the farm I hunt, and they dont...He was pissed that they lied to him. Their coyote hunting days are over on that 600 acres...He doesnt deal with shit like that...


Junior Member
I'm not condoning trespassing and I've dealt with my share on my own land, but it saddens me to think that someone would shoot another person's dog over something like this (except the livestock thing, that I totally get). The dog is innocent. There are better ways of dealing with this.


spencerville oh
Agreed...I actually got to the bottom of it. The main chunk of ground they are hunting is 600 acres. They asked permission to hunt the farm that I hunt and were told No..So they went on the road on the back side and let their dogs loose anyway.... I am good friends with the owner of the 600 acres..I called him and talked to him today..He was lied to and they told him they had permission from everyone in the neighborhood. Including the farm I hunt, and they dont...He was pissed that they lied to him. Their coyote hunting days are over on that 600 acres...He doesnt deal with shit like that...

I agree


spencerville oh
I'm not condoning trespassing and I've dealt with my share on my own land, but it saddens me to think that someone would shoot another person's dog over something like this (except the livestock thing, that I totally get). The dog is innocent. There are better ways of dealing with this.

And agreed beat the dog owner its not the dogs fault its a touch and go situation. Sounds like these guys don't respect a fuggin thing . Like I said there is a group up this way that has ruin several good sections for us honest guys.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH
Issue more than once, your dog is in peril. It is YOUR responsibility to control your dogs. Sometimes in life you get the short stick having bad owners if your a dog. If the dogs are on our properties doing things we don't want them to do they are vermin just like yotes, groundhogs, etc...


Senior Member
I'm not condoning trespassing and I've dealt with my share on my own land, but it saddens me to think that someone would shoot another person's dog over something like this (except the livestock thing, that I totally get). The dog is innocent. There are better ways of dealing with this.

You and I have spokes on the phone....You know I am a dog lover... I couldnt shoot a dog unless I had to. In the case of the livestock, I could....To protect my dogs, I could...But just for shits and giggles.... I wouldnt... Like has been said, the owners are a problem... and they ARE responsible for their dogs


Senior Member
I'm a firm believer that the dog is only as innocent as the handler in cases where they are set loose on unpermitted property . To accidentally jump the property line is understandable but to blatantly turn your dogs out on property you knowingly have no permission to hunt on is taking the well being of your pups in your own hands. I don't really know the whole situation with the shooting of the dogs but I can see where eventually enough is enough. Especially if attempt after attempt has been made to stop it.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Some of you have known the issues I've had in the shot dog dept... That is something I'd not wish on my worst enemy..... But then again if they don't care about their dogs trespassing then they'd probably not care bout their dogs either..... But still I'm not cold hearted enough too shoot a dog that's just doing what it's trained too do..... Regardless of the dirtbag owners....


Dignitary Member
Staff member
If yote hunters and their dogs piss you off you'd be really pissed at coon hunters. Lol. The difference is most of that's in the middle of the night.


spencerville oh
And here again don't assume all coon hunters are trespassers. I have coonhunted with a hound since I was old enough to carry a light. And I can gaurentee I've never been where I didn't have permission. And as far as the dogs running deer. I won't own one. I ve seen several dogs put to rest because they ran deer and couldn't be broke off of them. I guess what I'm saying is don't assume all houndsmen are ass holes and tresspassers.


Senior Member
And here again don't assume all coon hunters are trespassers. I have coonhunted with a hound since I was old enough to carry a light. And I can gaurentee I've never been where I didn't have permission. And as far as the dogs running deer. I won't own one. I ve seen several dogs put to rest because they ran deer and couldn't be broke off of them. I guess what I'm saying is don't assume all houndsmen are ass holes and tresspassers.

I agree. And that's why I wanted you to weigh in on it.....


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
And here again don't assume all coon hunters are trespassers. I have coonhunted with a hound since I was old enough to carry a light. And I can gaurentee I've never been where I didn't have permission. And as far as the dogs running deer. I won't own one. I ve seen several dogs put to rest because they ran deer and couldn't be broke off of them. I guess what I'm saying is don't assume all houndsmen are ass holes and tresspassers.
Agree with you there. I grew up coon hunting but have not done it in years and I don't think the dogs running coons or coyotes have any real effect spooking deer as long as the dogs run their intended animal I know most guys that do have dogs will not put up with dogs that run deer. In the long run it can only help your deer herd getting rid of the yotes whether it be by trapping or dogs. Just wish we had more guys that think the way you do and not trespass on others property. And Zach that is too bad you have to put up with idiots like that and a shame that your W.O. wont do anything about it. When or if you catch them again I would try and video them trespassing what better proof would the W.O. need. Good Luck


*Supporting Member*
My experiences and observations around here are guys turning dogs loose where they can hunt then following the dogs by truck often just pulling off the rd wherever and waiting in the truck till yotes bust out of a woodlot then they bail out and open fire . From what I've been told most chases cover miles ....can't hardly believe guys have permission for all those miles .