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Laundry Baskets


Senior Member
Supporting Member
How many people nowadays dont put their laundry up and simply live out of baskets? It drives me nuts digging through them trying to find articles of clothing I want. My wife is perfectly content with doing it until I hang mine up and leave hers in there. We both wash, dry and fold laundry into the baskets, but I am the only one who hangs them up. Not to mention she has way too many damn clothes. I brought this up to all our group of friends the other night, and they all pretty much live out of baskets also. Most of these people are my wifes age (31) and younger. Ive noticed for the most part people nowadays are to worried about what people think of the appearence of their houses. Not that Im the psycho anal type about stuff being spotless, but when we go to most of our friends places they dont really keep clean houses for the most part. It doesnt bother about their places, just something I kinda noticed recently. Maybe as people get older they start to get more particular about stuff.


Tatonka guide.
No there is a degradation of standards I feel and women work more now generally than they ever have. People are busier than ever also( self induced). We as a nation are sleep deprived and over worked.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Up Nort
That describes me and not my wife. I usually live out of the basket. I do my own laundry and she does hers and the kids.


*Supporting Member*
I've never used laundry baskets. Not even to carry the clothes upstairs to hang and put away.


Junior Member
I've never thought about it much. My wife does most of the landry and folds it. I put my own away. ( I do all my hunting cloths). She works full time also. And has been a go getter all her life. I guess I,m just lucky to have her. Don't get me wrong, I do my share around the home stead. We are also twice your age.


*Supporting Member*
Crawford county
I usually put my clothes away, but my wife and daughter dont. We adopted a system for this. We do our own laundry. I have a large black basket in my closet, its the only one I use, its "mine". I put dirty clothes in it and on wash day I do my laundry, put it back in my basket, put my clothes away and have the empty basket for my dirty clothes again. Simple.

My wife and daughter, on the other hand, will have the other 10 baskets in the house full. If at any time "my" basket aquires someone elses clothes, it gets dumped where it sits. They didnt believe I would do that at first, they found out differently.

Huckleberry Finn

Senior Member
Being a bachelor, I compromise. Anything worn "on top" gets hung up after getting washed. Undershirts generally stay in the dryer the whole week and I just pull out one as I go.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
I do a lot of the laundry as I have Fridays off typically and don't like wasting weekends hanging around doin laundry and will fold and put my stuff away and the wife's on the bed (not in the basket) and she'll put them away when she gets home from work.... Sometimes they may linger around a few days but for the most part the clothes in any baskets are dirty ones... Especially since the kids aren't home anymore lol....
That describes us as well. My wife hates doing the laundry and often times I am the one on a marathon one day after I get fed up. Yep, the clothes sit in baskets as well. I often get fed up looking for a matching sock or clean pair of underwear so I end up being the one to sort it as well. I actually am in the process of making a laundry room on the first floor and I can say it has helped since we moved the washer and dryer up.


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
The wife of 49 yrs. does the wash and puts away. She doesn't want me anywhere close to the wash.
I do my own hunting clothes as she doesn't believe in my non-scent detergent.
The wife still air hangs all the clothes even in the winter. Dryer never is used. I heard a strange noise this week and it was the damn dryer running. But it was -10 outside. Oh how our clothes smell fresh.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Two working parents and three kids, we don't always get a good "system" going. Over the weekend my wife was the laundry gestapo. Laundry was clean and folded and she was cracking the whip to have the kids put theirs away. Drives her nuts to have laundry in baskets folded on the couch. That said. . . go to our bedroom and where is her laundry? Clean, folded, sitting in baskets. Go figure. I personally try to get mine put away but my work schedule dictates when it is put away. I guess to sum it up, we get it clean and folded. Neither of us like an unexpected guest to see laundry sitting in baskets on the couch whether clean/folded or not. Sometimes we just don't have the time though.

In regards to the rest of the house? If we KNOW people are coming over, I am much more anal about cleaning up. If she has a few days off and knows people are coming over the house is looking good. I think it comes down to picking your battles. Do you both want to work, spend time with the kids as much as possible, and enjoy life? There will be times the house isn't as tidy as you would like. Cooking is all her as well. She is particular about making sure we are eating right. Post cooking cleanup? Often times it is me cleaning up AFTER she feels the kitchen is "clean". Guess I can't complain much as she feeds me well. Dishes and laundry are a never ending battle though with working parents and kids.


Staff member
I do my own laundry. My whites stay in the basket as I see no point it folding socks, wife beaters and undershirts. If I have a hectic week, my clothes may stay in the laundry room and I get what I need as I go. However I do try to fold and put away most of my stuff most of the time. We typically end up with 3-4 loads that'll need folded, so we'll team up and get it all done at one time. Laundry sucks no matter how you go about it...


Senior Member
Supporting Member
I just need to convince the old lady that we should both do our own, start to finish. I think the 800 tiny shirts, and under shirts, and skimpy shit is what annoys me the most. And half her shit I get yelled at for folding the wrong way. Not to mention that she throws every fugging thing back into the dryer for a few minutes before wearing it anyway


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Southeast Ohio
I just need to convince the old lady that we should both do our own, start to finish. I think the 800 tiny shirts, and under shirts, and skimpy shit is what annoys me the most. And half her shit I get yelled at for folding the wrong way. Not to mention that she throws every fugging thing back into the dryer for a few minutes before wearing it anyway

Just shrink half a dozen of her favorite sweaters. When she complains, say, " Hey, if you don't like how I do laundry, do your own."


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Yeah, that's what I did years ago and she just said the hell with it and went and bought another one.....