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Fire Starter

OK I have been up since 3 with a headacke

Bored so I figured I would finaly post this

I burn wood for most of my heat

I was looking for a simple and cheap way to start the furnace

This last summer I cut some Popular and Willow trees & brush at the marsh
I looked at all the small trees and branchs and had a idea

It burns hot & quick and I had many truck loads I could cut if I wanted it

So I cut a bunch of small stuff , up to 4"
Cut it up into 16-18" pieces and stacked it next to the house

Late summer , I moved it and 6+ cords of good wood into the basement for the winter's heat

Small stuff up to 3/4"-1" is used as is
Bigger pieces are easy to split smaller

So when needed I put in some paper , then pieces of the popular or Willow and then good wood

Starts the furnace simple and easy

Best part
Next year I have lots more to cut

Don't have a marsh
Lots of junk trees around that need cut

Just ask a farmer
I bet you can cut more than you can use in a few hours for free
And get ask to cut more



Senior Member
When you are grocery shopping and have a choice, Paper or Plastic, go with paper.

When you are picking up sticks in your yard throughout the Spring and Summer simply fill a bag.

Place in dry garage or basement.

There is your simple fire starter.

You not only cleared your yard of debris but also build a fire starter at the same time.


Staff member
My uncle used to use saw dust and candle wax poured in cardboard egg cartons to make 12 little fire starters. They were slick as hell.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Great ideas. I just use a torch. Once my outdoor unit is started for the year, I normally don't have to start it again. I know. It is like cheating. I still think these are great ideas though for camp fires, those who have the occasional fire, or wood burners in the house which may go out. We always kept newspapers from the neighbors or parents or whoever still gets the paper.
6 cords into the basement? Wow

That's just what I added
I have a section of my basement
All set up to hold dry wood
12' wide x 20' long and almost 8' high

Right now I have about 10 cords in the basement

But this sumer I was bored some days and didn't have anything to do
So I used dad's front end loader to move wood to the house
