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New Duck Gun


Staff member
I'm considering selling my Vinci to get a VersaMax, SX3, or some other option. I know this is like asking what bow should I buy, but humor me a little with your take on a quality waterfowl gun that will shoot 3.5s.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
My friend's dad owns a 3.5" versamax. It's a very nice gun. I love the technology behind its handling of all the various shell sizes. It is however a bit on the bulky side, IMO. It's got a large forend, much like other gas-operated autoloaders. If you like that kind of feel, it would suit you well. My Browning Gold has a similar feel. I like it, and shoot very well with it, but honestly I like the thinner feel of the SBEII and A5 much better. I've got 11 duck seasons on my Browning with zero problems and a shit load of rounds run through it. It's been the best gun I've ever owned. That being said, if I were to go buy a new duck gun today I'd either buy a Browning A5 or a Benelli SBEII. Both guns have a very similar feel and swing phenomenally. They are both recoil-driven guns, so cleaning is a breeze. I've held and shot both, just not enough to be 100% certain which one I like better.


Senior Member
Ina Duck Blind
I've got the SX3, had it for 10 years with thousands of rounds thru it, only hiccup I ever had was a 3.5" couldn't eject fast enough for the 2nd to cycle. I love this gun and treat it like a whore.... honestly! When the time comes I will look at the new A5, Maxus, or even another SX3 since I've already got the chokes for it. Honestly there are a bunch of nice guns out there. The SX3 and Maxus don't cycle as smooth as SBEII but have very little recoil. A400 is a solid gun, Russian Baikal Auto's, Xtrema II's are nice as well. I've shot the versamax and liked it but it didn't feel right for me for some reason. So I guess I'm bias to Browning/Winchesters


Retired to the happy hunting grounds above.
1023 since I sold you the Vinci let me say I replaced it with a Winchester SX3 and am tickled to death. No comparison! The SX3 is so much more fun to shoot. Great shotgun!
I my Hoyt Katera in late 2010 for a SX3. I and couldn't be happier. Its one very smooth shooting reliable auto. They are also a tad cheaper than the competition. I have a Pattermaster long range choke in the sx3 and it does a very nice job.

I love the Maxus....I like the feel of the a400 too. Funny thing is I shoot my 870 express more than o do my autoloader.

Same here. When I go duck hunting on the salt marshes and mud flats I take my 870. Mostly because I don't want to get my SX3 covered in mud and salt water. I've had my 870 since I was 11 years old and it is one beat up reliable pump gun.


*Supporting Member*
Lots of great guns out there . I love my extrema2 . Never given me any problems at all in 5 yrs and it gets dirty .


Senior Member
I have a sx3. I had a beretta 391. Which is the same as a extrema just didn't shoot 3.5. I lived that gun. But the barrel started bubbling in both sides and beretta wouldn't do anything for me
So ill never own another....

I really like my sx3. I don't clean it and it doesn't jam. Most guns jam due to the oil people put in them. They get cold then the oil gets stiff. I use PF-10. Its a oil the military uses and it functions down to like -40. It doesn't get stiff. Imo its the best oil on the market


Tatonka guide.
i would suggest you try to shoot a few and be sure you like the sight picture and hold of the gun before you commit. I have had to trade in a couple guns that i didn't like the hold of them on target. I'm pretty much stuck to being a browning man now. I would like to pick up the new A5. My favorite gun to shoot is the A5 because for what ever reason they fit me well and that square back really keeps my eye on the rail for a natural point.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Walbridge oh
I bought a benelli M-2 field in 20ga. this year and it has put quite a bit of game in the freezer. If i get back into the ducks and geese im going to try it out on them also. Kind of like using a stick bow for deer hunting!!! Just have to have them in a little closer!!! I do know that when i had my 835 that shooting those 3.5's was a hell of a lot of fun though lol!!!


Tatonka guide.
If the only reason to change is for the 3.5 capability you might want to try a better shell choke combo that might get 3.5 results.
smart man.....i also did this and i also spent the extra money on better shells with heavier shot(tungsten, heavy steel and a duplex load federal used to sell) and it made a difference. i actually saved money per bird..i never felt the need for a 3.5 inch and actually my 3 inch patterened better than my brother 3.5 with the same shell. my 10 gauge actually patterns better than both of them. it is my personal belief that the longer shot column is harder to pattern...no imperical data just what i noticed
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Junior Member
I will take my 870 shooting 3in hevi metal 2s out of a kicks hf choke all day over shooting 3.5 in normal shells. I just don't think its needed all the time. But to each his own. You want to buy a new gun have at it. Turkeys might be another gane tho....I havnt done a whole lot of Turkey hunting.


*Supporting Member*
Try some diff shells Jesse . I do shoot 3.5" shells but try out the hevi metal shell . They make stuff dead . I shoot2s out of my close range Carlson choke and kill em out to 50 yds or so .