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OK I got busted tonight

I went out this afternoon to try AGAIN for the big 10 point

Never saw it today

Early I saw several deer

1/2 hr before quitting time 2 doe's with 2 yearlings and a basket 8 point leave the woods

I was in one of those moods and thought , what the heck
Any of the 3 larger deer come in range , I will shoot the darn thing

OH well they started feeding the other way

OK fast forward almost a hour
It is now past shooting time , no deer to be seen
So I get out of the ground blind and start walking to the truck

I get 50 - 60 yds away form the ground blind and I here deer blowing , more than 1

I know the SOB that hunts the next farm , has probely tryed to sneak in on the feeding deer and spooked them
As I has seen him earlyer along the property line

I turn to look back and I see 5 deer running at me
OK I think WTF , so I stand perfictly still alone the edge of the woods

Darn deer don't keep running
No they stop right out in front of me
Not 75-80 yds out

An easy shot , but it is now getting pretty dark and I have no plans on shooting deer that long after sunset

So I stand there
And Stand there

3 of the 5 would be feeding , while the other 2 watched me
Then the 2 watching would start feeding and at least 1 other would start watching me

This went on for over 1/2 hour

It is now DARK
I can just make out dark blobs moving around in the field
And they are feeding in my direction

At this point I must have moved or something
As all 5 started blowing and stalmping

4 ran , the doe's and yearlings
But 1 kept blowing and comming closer , like less than 20 yds now
As I wasn't feeling like finding out how much of a smack down it planned
I clicked on my flash light at it

In a flash the small 8 point took off

Guess I will have to give that ground blind a few days off
And I also have to "Talk" to the next door land owner
As the guy he let go deer hunting has been on our place several times , that I caught him and probely more I didn't

Just figured you would enjoy a laugh at me trying to out wait 5 feeding deer



Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
What a bummer John. I am reading and hearing WAY too many local stories of people having troubles with trespassers. This is seriously out of hand. Hope you connect and more importantly, hope you don't have too many more issues with the bonehead hunting the neighboring property.


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Good read. I would hunt the ground blind again. Don't think the deer would put 2&2 together on you and the blind. Now if the deer busted you setting in the blind then give it a rest. But just walking I really don't think so. But then again I'm not a deer.