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Video games...


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH
Just curious...Do you play video games? How often? Don't be afraid to be that guy that is up til 4am everyday playing. I need the data for my wife.

I myself may play 10 hours a year of video games. I could see myself playing more with how good the games are now. How's about you?

DJK Frank 16

Senior Member
Supporting Member
Hardin County
Just curious...Do you play video games? How often? Don't be afraid to be that guy that is up til 4am everyday playing. I need the data for my wife.

I myself may play 10 hours a year of video games. I could see myself playing more with how good the games are now. How's about you?

I used to be that guy before I got married and had a kid. Now I would guess I put in about 40 hours a year or so. Mostly when the new Call of Duty comes out I will play quite a bit.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Up Nort
All we have is a Wii. I like the call of duty series. Maybe 20 hours per year. We were playing the lego series quite a bit, but haven't been on in awhile. I was big into Unreal Tournamnet back in the day and I was even in a "Clan". I out grew that years ago.


Senior Member
Call of duty black ops 2....Play with my old lady who is better than me...lol. Right now we probably play more at night then watch tv, as most of it sucks... A lot less in good weather..


Senior Member
I don't even have a gaming system lol I used to but stopped playing bout 3 years ago. My uncle on the other hand who's 55 is that guy who will play till the wee hours of the night. Him and his wife have a communal room that serves as her quilt room and his game room haha

he knows I don't play video games anymore but will always call me everytim ethe new NHL NCAA of COD comes out and will give me his critique haha I just don't have time for em anymore


*Supporting Member*
Crawford county
I used to play a lot more than I do now. Maybe 30 hours a year? I prefer the survival horror game like resident evil, devil may cry...

About the only gaming I do any more is when the missus puts in a ratchet and clank or sly cooper game. I end up helping her with the hard parts.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH
All we have is a Wii. I like the call of duty series. Maybe 20 hours per year. We were playing the lego series quite a bit, but haven't been on in awhile. I was big into Unreal Tournamnet back in the day and I was even in a "Clan". I out grew that years ago.

Ha, Unreal Tournament. I was top ten for a good long while until the bots ruined the game.

I used to play a lot also until kids came along. I was always a PC guy and never really did much gaming system online.

Men with kids and video game usage is a hot topic in my wifes 'womans group' at church. I was surprised to here that.


Senior Member
My parents divorced when I was younger. Dad stayed in the country mom moved into town. Had an xbox over at moms because I don't know what to do with myself. Played a lot of cabelas hunting games. Game warden always got me for shooting more than I had tags for..... Killed some dandies tho... When I was with dad I was outside doing the actual thing thank god. Lil brother has an xbox now and asks me to play all the time id say I get an hr a week. He whoops my ass.


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
Back a few years ago I was THAT GUY that would play PC games into the wee hours. WoW was my drug of choice until the bots got bad and it wasn't fun anymore.

Have not really played much console games in years. Heck, I still have a regular Nintendo and a PS2 for crying out loud lol. My son plays the WII games a lot on weekends but not me. I am either working, hunting, or on TOO these days.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
My brother and I used to play entire season for every team on madden back in the Sega days. We would spend hours playing.

Most recently I got into black ops but not for very long. Guitar Hero was cool too. I can't remember the last time I played though.


*Supporting Member*
Crawford county
Men with kids and video game usage is a hot topic in my wifes 'womans group' at church. I was surprised to here that.

Dont know if it would be relevant nowadays but when my kids were young, like 7 or 8 years old, I bought a playstation. we used to play games like spyro the dragon and things like that together just for something to do. then my oldest got into the fighting games and ended up getting in trouble in school for hitting. had to really put the clamps on gaming after that.