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TOO Deer Contest Harvest Thread


Staff member
Please enter your qualifying kills here. As a reminder the scoring and picture guidelines are as follows...

Picture Guidelines:

With each deer, please post several pictures of your harvest. All submissions must include the following:

•1 picture of the hunter and the deer
•1 picture of each measurement (a total of 5 - both bases, longest main beam, longest tine and inside spread)
•1 picture must clearly show your tag

Scoring Guidelines:

•Does = 5 pts (spikes less than 3" are considered doe)

•Bucks = 10 pts
Tines = 1 pt per tine
Age differentiator = Circumfrance of both bases + longest main beam + longest tine + inside spread (all measured to the nearest 1/4 of an inch)

•Bonus potential - Participants earn a maximum of 5 pts per contestant with one of the following two methods:

Youth Bonus = 5 pts - taking a youth hunter (under 16) and photographing the hunt
Trail Cam Bonus = 5 pts - harvesting a buck you have on camera

Buck Score Example:

A hunter shoots a 9 pt buck. The measurements are as follows:

•Left base is 4.75"
•Right base is 5.00"
•Longest main beam is 21.00"
•Longest tine is 10.50"
•Inside spread is 19.25"

This buck is worth 79.5 points for the competition (10 pts for being a buck, 9 points for the 9 tines and 60.5 points for the 5 measurements).

First person to post a qualifying entry here wins a custom TOO decal. Good luck and be safe out there!


spencerville oh
IMG_20130928_103002.jpgIMG_20130928_102916.jpg just checking a few points in for team tag em nation


Junior Member
Lots of deer in the last hour open night but unfortunately a farmer mowing at 6:30 and horses running around spooked all 14 deer we saw directly away from me right to my son's stand. Nice doe with his new Diamond bow! Yeah Team 15!deer1.JPGdeer2.JPGdeer3.JPG