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Where Were you?


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Where were you on Sept. 11, 2001, @ 0846 when America changed forever?

I was in the office and heard something on the radio and went to our FLightline maint. section which had a TV with cable..... Sat there in disbelief as it unfolded in front of my eyes on the screen......

The rest of the day was a blur of activity and life as we knew it changed and the deployments started and carry on thru today and into the near future......

Doesn't seem like it happened 12 years ago..... Ryan was 13 and Kayla 9......


Dignitary Member
Staff member
I had just completed my yearly certification for NBC. (Nuclear Biological Chemical) at Ft Knox.


Black Hat Cajun
Supporting Member
Was in a staff meeting at work. TV was on in the background. After the first plane hit the meeting stopped as we watched the rest unfold. Needless to say the rest of the meeting was done. Work was real close to Wright Patt and basically everything shut down after that. For the next several hours I was pretty much glued to the TV.


Staff member
Just walked in to Political Science 101 at Ohio University in the second week of classes my freshman year. I heard someone say the towers had "fell down". I remember my first thought being: "How the hell did they just FALL down?" It was a pretty crazy day from there on out...


*Supporting Member*
At that time, I was homeschooling all of my kids, except for my oldest daughter who was in 9th grade. We had gone to the library early and on the way out, I heard a blip on the radio about a plane crashing in to one of the towers. I thought that was a fluke and engine problems or something, so we continued on our way to the craft store.

Before we got to the store, I heard the other tower was hit. I immediately turned around, went and grabbed my daughter out of school and took her home with us. We spent the day glued to the TV, crying.

My youngest daughter was 11 at the time and had just had a birthday a few days before. She took every penny of her birthday money to the fire department.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
My reserve unit is at the Youngstown muni airport and we're lucky too get a heavy passenger aircraft a couple time a year.... We had 30 on the ground that day as all air traffic other than military were grounded.... Surreal at the time..... It was a few days before commercial traffic could fly again.... Skies were bare no contrails for as far as the eye could see....
I was actually sitting at the same desk I'm sitting at as I type this working on eBay auctions. The phone rang and a good friend told me to turn on the TV. I couldn't believe what had happened. The sight of people jumping from the tower was unbelievable. That day and the day JFK was killed are two days etched in my memory.


*Supporting Member*
My baby brother was in London, on vacation with his wife. They were suppose to be coming home either that day or the next. I can't remember now how long they were stranded there, but it was quite awhile before they could come home.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
That day started out so beautiful. The kind of day you'd want every day in September to be. I was at home starting to get ready to go to work later in the morn when I turned on the tv. Everything I was seeing was so hard to comprehend. Just as J said, I was distinctively in awe over the next few days with not seeing any contrails. It was certainly a time in our lives that we didn't didn't know which end was up.


Senior Member
South Eastern Ohio
I was in Cincinnati, worked all night on a bridge. Got off work and drinking a cold beer with the Today show on. It completely flabbergasted me. Gas stations started price gouging their customers at 6.00 a gallon that afternoon. Fuggers!


*Supporting Member*
Massillon, Ohio
Was at work on a normal day, talking a to a buddy of mine then people started talking about it, called my wife and saidget out of the college and go home, then I got out of the city ASAP. worked in cleveland at the time.


*Supporting Member*
Byesville, Ohio
I had called off work that day due to the youngest daughter being home with the stomach flu, was flipping through the channels on TV when I seen it right after the first plane hit, I sat and watched in disbelief as the second plane hit, that memory will forever be burnt in my head!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NE Ohio
I was in Cleveland in a CEO's office I did wholesale lending to through my mortgage co. We were watching a small color TV. When the second tower was hit, I looked at my business partner and said " If this is going down, the last place I want to be is in a mgr. city like Cleveland." We left to high-tail it back to Ashtabula. I remember looking in my rear-view mirror and seeing a stream of rush hour type traffic leaving the city behind me.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I was at home getting ready to head out to pick up a truck which had been repaired. Didn't make it out of the house at the time I had planned on leaving. Sat there glued to the TV. Drove to pick up the truck with another person and the radio was on while the truck was eerily silent and we listened. Traffic on the roads were zombie like slow. My wife was 8cm dilated and we were expecting our first child any day. Talk about fearing for the future of our unborn child. It was scary.


*Supporting Member*
Mahoning Co.
I was driving home from a neighbor's farm and had Bob and Tom on the radio. They said a small plane had hit one of the towers. I was home in a few minutes and saw the second plane hit.

My best friend when I was growing up lived next to the towers. His wife worked at the WTC when it was bombed in '93 and I thought she still did. Fortunately she had changed jobs and both were in their apartment with their baby when the attack happened. They escaped by heading down to the East River and becoming part of the boat lift that help evacuate Manhattan. Their building was left standing but was structurally damaged and was eventually demolished. They were able to get back in to retrieve some personal effects. There was 6" of dust/ash covering everything in the apartment.

When the south tower collapsed I can't begin to describe how I felt especially thinking my friend and his wife and baby were possibly in there.


Senior Member
I was at my sales desk at the Fastener Company. After the second plane hit our HR dept wheeled out the TV to the cafeteria.
We basically watched things unfold mid day then around 2pm the company was free to leave if your work was done.
I was home from work early that day.