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God Bless Good People!


*Supporting Member*
As many of you know we have been under a thieving session at my cabin.

Well my family friend who lives in Cambridge Ohio, is staying at the cabin, he has fixed the windows, but double sided bolt locks on the doors. Installing gates for us, and staying at the cabin the entire time with his wife to make sure we keep an eye on it.

I cant be happier to call him a friend, and really makes you realize that there are good people in this world.


*Supporting Member*
ya guys super good people. I dont know how ill ever pay him back.

The thing that gets me is these criminals literally keep sneaking back around. So they say they have a side by side. I guess my buddies wife saw a few side by sides poking around today down the road. I really would hate to kill someone over a stolen tv or something but I am not leaving my cabin wihtout my 45. These guys are pushing there luck so much that it worries me what might have to come of it. They are blatantly stealing from people. I guess the sheriff has a few leads.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I certainly would not go looking for trouble either. However, if I were going to the cabin I would also be armed. Then again, I am armed everywhere I go. lol