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Crazy bull


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
I just got in bed last night at midnight and my new phone rings. The wife said you set your alarm wrong. No it's my son calling me.
The bull is out on the road!
I get dressed and take the golf cart up there. My neighbor meets at the road on his 4 wheeler and says the bull is across the road in the neighbors yard. Sure was standing in front of his garage inside a white picket fence 400 ft. from the road.
We go back and get him to the road and our blocker at my son's driveway didn't get it turned so it goes past and onto the new pipeline right-of-way to the North. The damn thing goes back 1/2 mile.
They take the 4 wheeler and golfcart after him and my son goes back in the 4x4 truck. Pretty soon we hear wheels spinning and my son backed off the dirt pile and is stuck. He walks back and gets the other 4x4 truck and me with a chain. We go back and just before we get there here comes the bull with the 2 pushers on the 4 wheeler and golfcart.
I get out and walk behind the bull, put a blocker at the road so it couldn't go the other way and we pushed it to my son's. That worked and we have it sorta penned in my son's driveway with 6 guys, 4 wheelers. golfcart, truck and car.
The bull's excited, scared and steaming up a cloud. I told the guys just stand there and let him calm down. He kept trying to get through us but we held him. He finally walked up to the fence and jumped it and got his hind leg caught in the fence. He's kicking like hell and would have killed someone if we helped. Finally his leg got loose and just walked away.
We go out and work on the fence along the road. Come to find out the pipeline fence installers left the new fence open when they installed it. They followed the survey line and were it went to nothing at the road they put nothing there. He just walked out the narrow opening. I never noticed it as it's on the other side of the farm. He probably walked down the narrow path and couldn't turn around to go back.
Now the pipeline owes me for 6 guys at 4 hours each to correct their mistake. They will pay up at final adjustment after I file a complaint today.
Damn cattle but they eat good.
And I'm tired as we got finished at 4:00AM.
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Staff member
One of the contracts I negotiated on one of our big pipelines had a clause in it that we would pay $50 per hour per man for any cattle round up efforts that were a result of us not shutting a gate or fixing a fence properly. Good luck getting them to pay you if its not in the contract...


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I feel bad for you guys, but gotta admit I am chuckling after reading this Frank. rotflmao


*Supporting Member*
Mahoning Co.
Good luck getting any money out of the gas company. They are experts at avoiding paying. Not all the negative publicity they get is undeserved.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Yeah, that's pretty cool that you were able to round up 5 other guys at midnight!

Great story too, destined to be a classic in your family.

Don't mess with the bull......


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Good luck getting any money out of the gas company. They are experts at avoiding paying. Not all the negative publicity they get is undeserved.

Well everything worked out just fine. The pipeline turned the claim over to the fencing outfit. With the pipeline agreeing with me on the faulty fence construction.
The fencing company sent me a check for the full amount requested to pay 6 guys for 4 hours each in the wee hours of the morning.
I found out later that a car hit the bull when the Sheriff showed up. I was found not liable as my fence was in perfect shape.
But that's another story best left untold.

The trouble causing bull is a happy bull now. I sold the bull to another cattle guy and it has a herd of cattle to mess with now.