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Just watching the deer and waiting

OK I admit I have 3 trail cameras out

But I will not be checking them for a month or so
As I know where the deer are
And will be

I will check the cameras to see what will be the #1 target

But almost every night I sit at the kitchen table and watch the deer
Right behind my house is a 300 acre corn feild

With a small ....25 acre woods that is thick right in the middle of the feild
It is only 300 or so yds from my back door
I have a number of stands on the outer edges
So I can play the wind and not spook the deer while I get to my stand
To the right is the neibors woods , a few years ago loged
Also super thick
1/2 mile back is the creek line with a lot of interesting CPR and patchs of woods

So most nights I sit at the table or outside and watch the deer come out to feed
The corn is almost waist high
So all I can see is the heads and top of the backs of the deer
All to soon ,I will not see them for the corn
But then I will have to walk 1/4 mile down the road and watch them come into the bean feild to feed

This afternoon I finished my 2 box blind along the side of the woods
They are brushed in with living trees
Before season I will have to cut a few holes in the branches to shoot through

I was just able to get the tractor in to cut the logging trails the last time
As the beans will soon be to tall also

Those logging trails are deer super highways and my box blinds look over key spots
As the deer tend to hang out inside the woods on the trails waiting for the sun to go down

I have been watching 2 decent bucks and several does so far with the spotting scope

Just hope to say hello to at least a decent deer this fall



Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
You got me all worked up for deer season John! Sounds like a great setup. I would love to see you holding up a nice buck this year!
Absolutely love reading stuff like that. I am so envious that you are able to watch over the land that you hunt. With me up in Michigan I can only dream of the times I have been down and what the future hopefully holds for me. Thanks for the inspiration!!