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Well... How did your turkey season go?

It wasn't the fact that I didn't get a turkey, it was the lack of finding the birds. They were all over the place, answering my calls and being seen on a regular basis. Then the farmers planted the fields around the wooded areas and the birds flat out disappeared. I spotted a hen, called a her and she came right in to my decoys on Monday the 6th and that was the last time I seen or heard any turkeys. The fields were planted on the 7th, 8th and 9th. I searched and called several sections around the area, but to no avail. :smiley_depressive:

Now, it's time to get back in the kayak and go fishing or to a 3D shoot or kill some coyotes or practice with my new recurve or...well, you get the idea. :smiley_blink:

How did your turkey season go?
Thank you, Bowhunter57


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Up Nort
I saw plenty of good birds...on the neighboring property. This is what they do in the spring so my plan is to actually ask for permission to turkey hunt that property for next year. The fall pattern has them all over the property I do have permission to hunt on. Maybe this fall I can connect on another bird.


Senior Member
I cant complain...I killed two good birds and called a good bird in for a buddy. I am currently out rt now with jen waiting on a bird that has been here everyday for a month......yet he hasn't shown up today......so hopefully he shows up soon. It has been an odd year....the turkeys have been very quiet this year


*Supporting Member*
Crawford county
I have to apologize to the rest of my team in the contest. Ever since we got custody of our granddaughter, my time afield has been extremely limited. I only had a couple of chances to even get out, and when i did I found that the birds that were around the last 2 seasons were gone this year. I would have liked to check out a couple public areas nearby, but the opportunities just weren't there due to family commitments.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
The fat lady hasn't sang yet. We've had three birds about 150 yards away over the crest gobbling since fly down. They're undoubtedly with hens. One came in silent behind us from the other direction but all I could see was his neck and head at 40 yards. He slipped back out. The three we have over the hill should stop screwing around soon when the hens leave. We'll see.



Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I have one tom wandering around. Showed his head couple hundred yds out. Had one hen hanging Round my decoys. Not sure why he wont commit. Hen was within 10-50yds for around an hour. Guess I no speako the right turkey lingo.


Junior Member
central Ohio
Really quiet here.
Pizza I had last night is pressing hard against my sphincter.
Not sure how much longer I can hold out.
Wish I had brought some t.p.


Coshocton, OH
I have to apologize to the rest of my team in the contest. Ever since we got custody of our granddaughter, my time afield has been extremely limited. I only had a couple of chances to even get out, and when i did I found that the birds that were around the last 2 seasons were gone this year. I would have liked to check out a couple public areas nearby, but the opportunities just weren't there due to family commitments.
No worries bud. You have your priorities straight. Good for you! They will be there next year for ya.


The Crew
Still tuff, I got one May 4th. 1 inch spurs and a 10 inch beard.
Called in 2 toms and a hen, shot the tome in the middle at 8:30 am.
Went to Rural King that night and bought a Master Built smoker and smoked him on Sunday.
Also has a mess of fresh morels with the bird. Life is good.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Good to hear it tuffy!

I was heading out but decided to do a quick walk and binocular peek. Saw a tom. Walked way out and around thru woods. Snuck out in field and threw decoys out. Haven't seen or heard them. Should have just packed it in.


*Supporting member*
Mine was alot less than expected. Because of OT at work I didn't get very much time in the woods and came up empty. I only managed a couple days out and heard plenty of birds but couldn't get them in.

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Hunted twice during the youth season. My son killed a good bird. I went on opening day and heard nothing. Hurt my back and was out of action until this Thursday. Only stayed out an hour or so. Called in a jake. Called it a season as I still hurt too much to hunt! Watching my so kill his first turkey made it my best season ever!


Dignitary Member
Staff member
The fat lady hasn't sang yet. We've had three birds about 150 yards away over the crest gobbling since fly down. They're undoubtedly with hens. One came in silent behind us from the other direction but all I could see was his neck and head at 40 yards. He slipped back out. The three we have over the hill should stop screwing around soon when the hens leave. We'll see.

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We ended up tailing these birds out to a corn field. Two jakes and a six in bearded one. Once out in the field they didn't want to play. Wasn't going to shoot one. Just messing with them to see what they liked. The answer was nothing.

lung buster

Senior Member
hocking county
This was my best season by far. Had two awesome mornings during youth season and was able to watch my boy kill his 1st! I killed a bird on the 2nd day of the season and just kind of relaxed the rest of the season. I really had no desire to kill another but would have liked my boy to. We never really forced the issue and that is fine. Great spring and one we will never forget!

Huckleberry Finn

Senior Member
I think I made it out 4 mornings. Tons of gobbling on the roost opening morning but quiet on the ground. Never heard too much after that - it got less and less each time out. Pretty disappointing for a season and I found out how hard it was to hunt with work and travelling an hour to hunt. Some of you guys that have to do that all the time, I just don't know how you do it. Some lessons learned and a few good mornings, I suppose.


Coshocton, OH
Honestly, my season could not have been any better. I had more action this year then probably the last two or three combined. I ended up killing three long beards ( 2 in Ohio, 1 in Kentucky). I had the pleasure of being on the hunt with them when three buddies killed long beards. The best part of my season was getting to watch my dad kill his first big one. I also made some good and funny memories of close calls and misses, including myself at 9 yards. Lol. I ended the season today watching my buddy Todd kill a big paintbrush bearded Tom. We were heading down the road and my cousin JPN was first to notice a strutter out in my uncle's field. We turned around and tried to make a move to get our buddy Todd a shot at him. We were able to run across a planted soybean field, cross a creek, and get into position. Justin and I stayed below where the gobbler could not see us, and watched Todd belly crawl to the edge of the field. As soon as he made his way to the skyline, we heard his safety click off. It was promptly followed by the bang. We went from seeing him strutting from the road to my buddy killing him in about three minutes time. It was pretty sweet. It made it even better that my buddy Todd has hunted hard all season and was yet to kill one. He hunted every day but four days this year. It was a well deserved bird and a great way to end it. The pics are of my second bird that I killed Wednesday and my buddy Todd's bird. I believe this year will be untoppable.

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Coshocton, OH
Out of curiosity, what call or call did most of you use or using this season?
Which call brought on the most response?

My go to call was Hendershot's combo cut three reed call. I bought a handful of mouth calls this year and it was by far the best sounding call for me. I am no expert caller by any means, but I found it easiest to make yelps and decent sounding cuts on. I know JPN uses this call as well. I am buying two next year. I wore mine completely out this year.


The Crew
My go to call was Hendershot's combo cut three reed call. I bought a handful of mouth calls this year and it was by far the best sounding call for me. I am no expert caller by any means, but I found it easiest to make yelps and decent sounding cuts on. I know JPN uses this call as well. I am buying two next year. I wore mine completely out this year.

I'll have to put that call on the memory bank list, as well as your season went.