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blaming that on the corn too??!!


*Supporting Member*
Crawford county
saw on the news this morning that the cost of chicken wings is going up for the super bowl.
They are saying that the poor harvest of corn and beans last year drove up the cost of chicken feed, which caused farmers to decrease production of chickens.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Licking Co. Ohio
Gouging is all it is. I just heard on the Farm Report that the total corn harvest was not as bad as expected. 35 years ago, you couldn't hardly give wings away.


Senior Member
I heard the same thing this morning Dante. That's such a load of BS. Anything they can say to try and justify gouging the heck out of whatever they decide to gouge.


*Supporting Member*
Mahoning Co.
Must be a slow news day. I watched the report and after all the hype they said the retail price of wings was up 6%. So if last year you spent $10 on wings those same wings will be $10.60 this year.

And the media wonders why they are losing credibility.
Maybe it's all Buffalo Wild Wing's fault!!



Staff member
I know this is gonna make me sound like an old fart but the one we got here is more of a babysitter for the young punks anyhow.

That's how ours has become. It is a freaking teenie bopper convention every time we go. On nights they have the UFC PPV, you have to go at 6 just to get a seat for something that doesn't start until 10!


Senior Member
That's how ours has become. It is a freaking teenie bopper convention every time we go. On nights they have the UFC PPV, you have to go at 6 just to get a seat for something that doesn't start until 10!

It has gotten so bad here that my buddies and I just all chip in and get the PPV at one of our houses and don't even bother going there anymore. The teenie boppers get all cocky after the UFC bouts too and think they can whip the world so there always seems to be a fight or two there and I'm just getting too old for that crap.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
That sign is why I never go there anymore, and quaker steak is nearby.

Though the way it is worded I am half tempted to go in and wait for a cop to come in and then call it in as they cannot carry there the way the sign is worded


Junior Member
I hate going to Bdubs for the fights. It's just overly packed period on a saturday night. I wish I had enough friends that were into it to chip in and buy it at the house...

When i moved here, Bdubs tuesday night wings were 40 cents. That was about 2 years ago. They're now up to 60 or 65 cents. Quite a hike in inflation...