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75" shed found


Junior Member
hulk shed 2.jpgbig buckkk.jpg

I've been chasing this buck all season unable to close the deal. He walked 10 yards from my stand with a doe after legal shooting light.

I found his shed from last year out in a hay field this past weekend. It scores 75" and is missing some length off the G3 and main beam. It was run over by the brush hog and got some action from the tree rats as well.

Hoping to land this years sheds off of him!


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
What a great find! Did you search that field last shed season? If you did, do you think he dropped it late or after greenup? That is a very nice shed and I'd consider having it fixed. Congrats and thanks for sharing!

Welcome to the site TOO.


Junior Member
What a great find! Did you search that field last shed season? If you did, do you think he dropped it late or after greenup? That is a very nice shed and I'd consider having it fixed. Congrats and thanks for sharing!

Welcome to the site TOO.

I searched the area but never that closely. The field had grown up quite a bit and until this fall the farmer cut it down with the brush hog to think about planting it this year. I think I'll get it fixed if I kill him next year. I did find it in a very odd place on the farm that I never thought he would spend much time.