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Russian Online Med Spam Case


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
Russia Actually Stopped One Fifth of the World's Spam - What Happened?
October 28, 2010 05:07 PM EDT

Email spam affects nearly everyone and causes a lot of wasted time in deleting it or otherwise dealing with it. However, last month Russia was able to stop an incredible one-fifth of the world’s spam. Can you believe it – one-fifth of the 200 billion daily spam messages miraculously gone?

How Russia Stopped One-fifth of the World’s Spam Email?

Russia unfortunately exports a large amount of the daily spam load. However, police officials in Russia have launched a criminal investigation of a spam kingpin named Igor A. Gusev. They believe that Gusev has fled the country over the investigation.

Gusev was central in the SpamIt.com website – the site literally paid spammers to promote online pharmacies. Since September 27, the company has not been operating, and an estimated 50 billion spam messages each day have been left unsent!

It is quite likely that Gusev will end up facing criminal charges resulting from his computer crimes, which is actually seen as a big departure from Russia’s normal attitude toward computer crimes. Even though spam has dropped dramatically, many average users have not noticed because of the effectiveness of spam filters, which kept a lot of the annoying messages away from already crowded inboxes.

Regardless of the reason behind the prosecution of Gusev in Russian, it is a welcome thing to have less spam in the world. It is rather unbelievable that a complete one-fifth of the world’s spam originated with this one company named SpamIt.com. Have you noticed any drop in the number of spam messages you get for online pharmacies and medication?


Dignitary Member
Staff member
I haven't noticed since we enabled the required questions during registration. However previous to that I would say 60% of our spam had a .ru email address and originated in Russia. The rest was from china and india.


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
I haven't noticed since we enabled the required questions during registration. However previous to that I would say 60% of our spam had a .ru email address and originated in Russia. The rest was from china and india.

I know most of the ones I banned was from Russia followed closely behind by China. I think I had more from New Jersey then from India lol.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
jimbosmithiscool from india never posted.. I need to go look him up. Remember we left his account just to see what he was going to post. lol "Jimbo-Smith-is-cool" ROTFLMAO


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
jimbosmithiscool from india never posted.. I need to go look him up. Remember we left his account just to see what he was going to post. lol "Jimbo-Smith-is-cool" ROTFLMAO

LMAO. Jimbo from India lol. I almost fogot about that guy lol. I think there was one or two thers I left as well. They had U.S.A. IP's but never posted anything and I don't think they have been back either.