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Big Sick Doe Down!!


Junior Member
Went behind my dad's house opening morning with my Dad for youth season. I had 2 does come into 60 yards and i saw my target doe, we had been seeing her on our trail cam for a while and she looked a bit messed up and we decided to take her out as soon as the opportunity showed itself. I shot her at 62 yards, kinda on film, and she ran maybe 20 yards, bedded down and then rolled over and died. My dad went to get the fourwheeler while i had my buddy Zach come over and help me drag her a bit and check her out. I was not satisfied with what i saw. Super skinny, like ribs almost poking through-skinny, 3 other wound holes all with puss coming out of them, bare ears, and a huge bare spot on her side. I did the right thing and landowner tagged her then took her to 2 different ranger stations in which were no help whatsoever. I tried calling the head ranger of Fulton and Lucas County but no one answered or called me back. I checked her in online and disposed of her properly. She was way too sick and nasty to be eaten, and more than likely loaded with gangrene and other deadly diseases. I definitely put her out of her misery and i believe i did the right thing.

Here is the sorry excuse for a video...



The Happy Hunting Grounds Beyond
Supporting Member
Ashtabula, Ohio
I had kind of the same situation, this Doe had a huge tumor on her neck, over the course of several weeks it got larger and her head kept getting lower and lower every several days. Felt so bad to see her suffer so I did as you and took her out. Sigh, it sucks to see these kind of things.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Nice quick kill. Well done Hunter.

I am questioning you on one thing. Thought you were in Swanton area, not Whitehouse? Reason i ask: Could have sworn I heard a jackass in the background early in the video. Just saying.rotflmao